Monday, July 8, 2013

Broken Enough

Maybe God breaks our hearts
Over and over
Again until we’re
Broken enough,
To let our Great Big Love in

Until he trusts that we can
Hold it in our
Fragile hands and
Appreciate the beauty,
The miracle
Of what we are
When our eyes laugh together


Have you ever felt haunted
By another
Strong soul, dwelling
In your mind
Taking refuge in your heart

Your words pierce me
Their truth poignant and beautiful
You change me

How could there be another
That gets me like you do?
To be seen - really seen - is The Great Gift.
To be tucked inside the love of your Other,
The only dream worth this discontent

Four Sides

Did you know there are
Four sides
To your heart?

I’d been putting all my thoughts
On the front
Thinking that’s where you were

Turns out you were hidden
Way in the back
Accessible only with forgiveness

I let you go today
From the front and the sides
Breathed deep into the regret

Regret for what could have
(Should have?)

I opened and stretched way past
The familiar parts
Into the blind spots

Feels like I shouldn’t even talk about you anymore
You’re not open – it’s not a possibility
Maybe ever in this lifetime

I’ve let you go from the front
Of my heart
Slowly releasing you from the other sides

May take some work
But that is what is