Wednesday, May 29, 2013


and just like that… we
are whole again.

like the insanity and devastation
never scarred us,
the grief no longer accessible with a slight
shift in the wind or
relentless spate of uninvited memories
like before.

suddenly, surprisingly,
(against our wishes even!)
we find ourselves

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I'll Meet You

I’ll meet you
There in the vastness between
Rivers and crops of trees and life –
Infuriating, necessary, nourishing life –
Where the only presence
Greater than our ego
Is the emptiness

Monday, May 27, 2013

To My Visionaries

When you dream big dreams
And make way for a future ripe with magic,
You naturally risk heartbreak

For to be so bold as to proclaim with gusto what could be
In the face of the stubborn and ugly what is
Is madness, no?

A little madness,
A lot more gumption and fire and belief in
The beauty of the unseen

To be a visionary is to be a lover
Neither for the faint of heart, and
The only fuel for our breathing

In the What If

There is an ocean beneath this thin veil
Steady, rocking, deep – a
World of love and pain and aching for more, more

You asked me once not to show you
For fear it might swallow you up,
So I kept it away

But even in the silence exists a knowing
Palpable, tangible, undeniable, huge – this
Ocean belongs to both of us

You stand at the edge of grace
Begging for your elusive ideal,
Sloppily wading and fighting the inevitable

I wait. And I love. And I hold you.


When you know you’re on the brink,
You just know.

Like the greatness
Is spilling out the sides
Of your slender container
For more life!

Greatness must be obeyed.

I know because my skin is crawling.
The self that I am today,
Clinging to a shell
Of who I am
About to become,
My tippy toes wiggling
Off the
Ledge of a giant canyon

Where I am I couldn’t tell you precisely yet
Just that the dirt is red,
The sky a pale inviting blue,
My spirit is soaring,
And my body is about to fly