Social constructionists would tell you that our words create our world. If our world is simply a function of our stories about it, then how we think and speak about our experiences holds the key to our ability to empower ourselves and influence others. Many leaders mistakenly assume that knowing the answers is their source of power. Quite the opposite. Knowing the right questions to ask – then asking them – is the most powerful action a leader can take. Framing up powerful questions, or what we’ll call the art of inquiry, that engage those around us in new ways of thinking often provides far more leverage for a leader than inserting their view as truth.
Leaders are storytellers, crafting the vision of what can
be, who we are and where we’ve been. They create the frame for the house we’re
trying to build. The best leaders communicate brilliantly, yet often through
asking more than telling. They dig deep to understand how organizations,
markets, and systems work. They invite important stakeholders to share their
stories on the “what” and the “why” that contribute to where we are. Through
simple, yet poignant inquiry, leaders move us toward what’s possible. They also
help us understand ourselves in profound ways, together and as individuals.
I believe that the access out of “what is” into “what might
be” is inquiry, which opens into truthful dialogue. Dialogue, described in
fable by Native Americans as, “You talk and talk and talk until the talk
starts,” is a conversation of appreciation, deep listening, and candid sharing.
Dialogue enables us to speak to that which matters, and get at the meaning
behind our lives and our actions. Leadership performance is not complete
without staking it to an underlying sense of meaning. And inquiry takes us
So how does a leader begin to master inquiry? Great
question. Look – you’re already doing it! Inquiry begins with calling into
question our assumptions and beliefs about why things are the way they are.
This includes our own sense of self. Continually calling into question my
motives, my needs, my stories gives me access to a broader truth that my view
is just one of many valid perspectives. Starting with myself also causes me to
acknowledge how I have contributed, and still contribute, to the world outside of
me. This acknowledgement is extremely powerful and will change your world –
Once I develop a practice of inquiry into self, I can engage
others with integrity about their stories. What do they see, feel, and believe
about our collective experience? What is remarkable about the way things are,
and what would make it even better? I want to engage in that inquiry with you.
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